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Annual Meeting Minutes

Latest Annual Homes Association Meeting

On November 3, 2024, we elected Dave Owen and Jeanne Johnson to our board for 3-year terms at our annual meeting. During our time together we heard that our finances were in good shape, our grounds crew are keeping the place in good shape, architecture reviews completed and generally life is good at Wellington Greens.

Annual Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Approved Annual Membership Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                 Wellington Greens Home Owners Association
October 29, 2023
Board Members Present:  Linda Siedhoff, president, Lon Dyer, vice-president, Mike Behne, Treasurer, Jeanne Johnson, Secretary.
Approved absences:  Vaughn Carter
Absent:  Burke Morrow
Staff: Don McIntyre, Administrative Assistant

The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by President Siedhoff with 43 members present.

President Siedhoff acknowledged the residents in attendance and asked new residents to please stand and she acknowledged them.  She asked that all residents that have lived in Wellington Greens over 20 years to stand, asked for those over 25 years and those over 30 years. She introduced the Board members in attendance.
President Siedhoff asked for approval of the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes.  A motion was made and seconded that they be approved. The motion carried. 
President Siedhoff ask vice-president Lon Dyer to introduce the candidates up for election to the Board of Directors and have them make their presentation to the group.  The candidates were Harry F Lipert, Barbara McCuen, Linda Siedhoff and Alfred Topil.
The Candidates made their presentations.
President Siedhoff called a recess so that members could cast their ballots.
(Recess was taken)
President Siedhoff ask Randy Bretz to talk about the new website.  Randy showed some slides and explained the new website that would be launched in the near future. 
The meeting was called back to order and as the votes were being counted, the officers gave their annual reports.
President’s State of the Association – Linda Siedhoff
It has been a busy and exciting year at Wellington Greens. We have many new happenings going on. We started Koffee Klatch and Thirsty Thursdays which were a big success. Nick and crew put in steps next to the clubhouse for ease in getting to the back. We had two successful social events which were well attended. We are working on a new website which will be easier and more convenient to follow. Newsletters and billing are now emailed. We are putting a new bench on #1 hole and fencing along 70th Street. The grounds crew has also had dead limbs removed and are continuing and have done sone landscape improvement in some of the courts.

My goal has been to have residents come together more as a community. I think we have accomplished this by the attention that all our committees have given.

We are continuing to work to keep all units in compliance along with parking and landscaping cleanup.  Our goal is to continue to keep Wellington Greens a great place to live.

Court Captains:  Linda Siedhoff
The court captains met three times this year. Landscape improvements, rentals, the clubhouse were some items discussed. I want to thank all our court captains for this year who worked hard for our Wellington Greens community. This year’s court captains are   Susan Schatz, Sunbury. Bob Webb, San Simeon. Elizabeth Sorenson, Briar Glynn, Dave Fries , Kimberly. Paula Schwarton, Cromwell, Lori Barr, Penbrook, Leslie Pieper, Devonshire, Carrie Grant, Cambridge, Barbara McCuen, Kensington, Carl Engstrom, Blenheim, Jane Haire and Tedda Watts, Warwick, Connie Strohmyer, Tiffany, Annie Votipka and Mary Lehman, Canterbury, Nan Hessee, Gramercy, Velda Menard, Ramsgate, Kris Grier, Regency, Barry Johnson, Chatham, and Jeff Wilson, Wellington.  Linda Siedhoff, Court Captain Chair

Golf – Lon Dyer
2023 golfing at Wellington Greens was excellent. Our course was very well maintained by the grounds crews as well as assistance from residents helping with watering, trash collecting and marshalling. With cooperation from all parties, we are striving to continue to better our course each year. The flower pots at several holes were an aesthetically pleasing addition to our course. Perhaps more of that to come?
We sold 52 single, 112 family and 5 grandparent non-resident memberships. We have room for additional memberships. What great Christmas gifts for residents extended family members! We also are offering guest passes for $10 (for your family or guests).
We had the Men’s League on Tuesdays, the Ladies League on Mondays, Ameritas League on Wednesday and Couples League on Thursday evenings. We also had the St Johns League earlier in the year. 
We sponsored a group of successful short game clinics for members.  We hope to do that again next spring, perhaps adding groups of students from area high schools to assist our instructor.  
Residents sponsored a memorial bench that will be going in next to the teebox on hole #1. This is something that we should consider more often, not just benches but other memorial-type items around our neighborhood.
Concrete – Lon Dyer
A project started a couple years ago to repair and/or replace concrete in our neighborhood driveways and roadways has finally come to reality.  A plan to be able to cash-flow the considerable costs of such a plan has been drawn up and approved by our Board of Directors.  This is without any increase in monthly dues or a special assessment.  

We will be surveying the courts individually to determine what concrete needs replacing or repairing and setting a priority system in place to keep it organized. We expect the project to start seeing concrete being laid early 2025 and will take at least 3 years to complete.  Thereafter, we will maintain, condition and repair concrete as needed on an annual basis.  Exact details of the maintenance plan and the priority system will be worked on this winter and into next year.

Bids for the proposed concrete work will be forthcoming once other details are in place.  Several residents have volunteered to serve on the committee to establish the priority system and help to determine what concrete needs attention.  I thank them for their assistance!

Treasurer Report – Mike Behne
There are 50 copies of the year-end financial statements available at the back of the room. The tax return has been filed and a copy is also there for your review.
The Finance Committee met quarterly, I want to thank the members for their valuable input: Carol Conway, Dick Vautravers, Jim Wharry, Bob Shapiro, Carrie Petr and Al Topil. The committee reviewed the UnitedHealthcare group plan, our budgeting tool, annual financial statements and tax return preparation, reviewed the financials each quarter, the SEP-Simplified Employee Pension plan, and set up a short-term high interest CD for idle cash. The board approved a plan to cash-flow major concrete work with no special assessment and no increase in dues, by earmarking 5,500 a month to be moved into the reserve account which would add 66,500 a year to the reserve with the goal of completing $200k of concrete work during calendar year 2025.
We started the year with a 164,839 cash balance. We ended the year with a total cash balance of 239,113 of that amount 109,018 is in the checking account 79,871 in the reserve account and 50,224 in a short-term CD which matures 1-29-24.
From operations we had net income for the year of 86,579. The budgeted revenue was 664,120 actual revenue is 682,230 so we are above budget for the year 18,110. Most of the difference is in green fees revenue which was 14,732. more than budget and clubhouse rentals were also over budget.
The only capital equipment purchased was a TORO Pro-force blower for 9,818 that Dan had ordered and due to COVID supply chain delays it was on back-order for over 2 years. The bank loan for concrete work is down to 54,527 and has a maturity date of 3-30-2026 with monthly payments of 1,855.
Financially we remain in a good position. The balance sheet has 250,947 in current assets and 70,013 in current liabilities. The current ratio is 3.58 to 1 (a current ratio between 1.5 to 2 is considered favorable).
We did well on operations – employee expenses are below budget by 33,793 or 5.09%. Buildings and Grounds are 31,907 less than budget. Total Utilities are above budget for the year by 4,746 - the majority over-budget being the water bills. The hot, dry summer took a toll on the water expense line. Total General & Administrative expenses are below budget by 11,461. Total expenses are 595,652 and budget was 668,067 resulting in a total of 72,415 under budget for the year.
The lockbox arrangement is operating as it should. As of 9-30-23 the Accounts Receivable are 14,282 and Prepaid Dues are (18,608).
Every month the income statement and balance sheet showing a 2-year comparison are posted at under the Association tab, Financial Info. 
If there are any questions, please contact me.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Behne

Architecture – Jeanne Johnson
Architecture Committee consists of 6 committee members.

Architecture Committee meetings were held in January, March & September, 2 with Landscaping.

Change Requests: 
-Received 26 change requests for various architecture exterior repairs, remodeling, painting and fencing.

Non-Compliance Notices sent: 9

Work Hired Notices sent: 9

2023 Architecture & Landscaping Survey of all 277 units done between April 1-May 30, 2023
        -Architecture & Landscaping Committees combined efforts to compete more efficiently.    
        -85 owners were sent work order requests
-Requested repairs completed by 10/31/23
-All units who received a work order request in the Spring will be reviewed in Nov to see if work was completed.
-Units found with repairs not completed will receive a Non-Compliance letter in Nov/Dec, owners will have till April 1, 2024 to complete or work will be hired by Architecture at the owner expense.
9/28/23, Architecture committee members held a meeting where Briar Glynn Court owners discussed & voted to change paint colors on their 3 buildings. The buildings will be painted the new colors this fall or next spring.

2024 Architecture & Landscaping Survey of all 277 units done in April 2024
-Advertising per the survey will start in Jan 2024 WG Newsletter
-Any home owner found needing will be sent a letter in May and will have till Oct 31, 2024 to complete the requested repairs.

By-Laws – Jeanne Johnson
Bylaw committee consists of 6 members.

We’ve met in July & Sept.

We are in the process of reorganizing WG Bylaws and General Information to make them better organized, more detailed and easier to find information.

Ray Daniel made a motion that an accommodation be issued for the work that Nick and the maintenance crew do.  The motion was seconded by Lois Dalton and motion carried.

President Siedhoff said that Burke Morrow was not present and we did not have a landscape committee report.  She also said that the Board had approved a motion that if any court made approved upgrades to their court, that the Association would match half of the cost up to $1000 for those improvements.  Someone asked President Siedhoff how many rental units were in Wellington Greens and she said not counting those that rent to relatives, we had 30 rentals, about 11%.

Landscape and Rentals - None
Long Range Planning – Vaughn Carter (By video)
I am sorry I am unable to be with you today, but at this verymoment, my wife Donna and I are on a bus with wings somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Lisbon.  We will be spending the next two weeks touring Portugal, so looking forward to that, but please believe me when I tell you at this particular moment in this bus with wings, I would probably rather be there with you than sitting in a little seat trying to figure out what movie to watch next on a 10 inch screen with very poor definition and ear buds.
I would like to start out by saying that I found the last three years serving on the board of the Wellington Greens Home Owners Association to be very fulfilling, rewarding and hopefully productive in contributing something constructive to this amazing community we live in.  It was only after much reflection and discussion with my family that I came to the decision not to seek another term on the board.  My business has been occupying quite a bit of my time and while I like to consider myself as semi-retired, I’m finding that the semi part seems to be accoupling more of my attention than the retired part which is where I would really like to get to.
While I will not be serving as a member of the board, my intention is to remain very active in Wellington Green affairs, especially in the areas of Planning, Social Engagement, developing the new and greatly improved website that will better serve Wellington greens residents, and the clubhouse improvements.
I consider the highlights of my tenure on the board to be threefold.
Number one:  Heading up the Vision 2023 Long Range Planning Process.  What we learned from that and how we will be approaching the future of Wellington Greens.
The Mission of the project was to maintain & improve the Wellington Greens living experience for current & future residents while increasing the values of all Wellington Greens properties.
The Vision of the project was to craft a ten-year Comprehensive Plan that would serve as a blueprint to guide the Association as we move forward into the future of Wellington Greens.
And the Values of the project were that Transparency of the process was of upmost importance to the success of the process and that input of Wellington Greens property owners/residents, and staff, was not only encouraged but was proactively solicited.
Toward this end, a community wide survey was conducted as well as server community focus groups open to all residents.  We were also fortunate to have graduate students from the University of Nebraska Community & Regional Planning Program serve as “natural” facilitators and conduct the focus groups. They also assisted ion developing the final report based on the input and data acquired over the course of the three year Vision 2023 project.  That plan was presented to Wellington Greens at our 2022 Annual Meeting, final comments from residents were considered, and was adopted by the board shortly thereafter.
The second highlight of my tenure on the board was serving as chairperson of the Social Committee, where I had the good fortune of working with a dynamic group of individuals, and I feel we contributed to getting Wellington Greens more socially connected & more residents involved.

Question and answer session.

President Siedhoff thanked Carol Conway and Jim Wharry for their service on the Board and presented them with plaques and a gift card.

Election results were announced by President Siedhoff.  Mike Behne and Burke Morrow are the new members of the board.
President Siedhoff said the dues invoices will be sent out by email instead of US mail starting January, 2023 and to give Don your email address if you had not already done so.
President Siedhoff thanked the volunteers that worked today.  Annie Votipka, Bob and Dotti Shapiro and Steve and Tracy Buchanan for helping with registration and Shirley Schafer and Phyllis Mueller for helping with the vote counting. 
Jim Warry moved that we adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Vaughn Carter.  Motion carried
President Siedhoff declared the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Respectively submitted:                                                                                                                                          W. Don McIntyre                                                                                                                                Administrative Assistant